College related:
Tips on getting a recommendation
College scholarships site. This is the college scholarships portal at It's a pretty good place to start. Remember, if a site says that they will charge you money or asks you for information like a credit card number, don't use it. Other sites include: FinAid's Scholarship search; FastWeb; U.S. Dept. of Education Guide to Federal Financial Aid; and, remember that I told you that there are some pretty unusual scholarships out there? Look at some of these...
Writing related:
Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University
This site is excellent for learning about how to format a paper, write citations according to different formats (like MLA), and how to structure your work. I highly recommend it now and when you get to college.
Generic Note Sheet for Term Papers
Academic Decathlon:
AcDec Slide Show from Ashland Competition (21 Nov 2009)